Exact and constant cutting result
No yield loss or back damage as result of exact drilling position and sophisticated bird handling
Large weight range can be processed within one machine setting
Intestine damage is reduced to an absolute minimum
Effective cleaning of the drill unit after each cycle
Separate adjustment for lower part of processing unit option
Rigid shackle model option
The Meyn vent cutter has several unique features that assure an optimal cut while processing a wide weight range. Optimal positioning of the bird with regard to the vent knife prior to and during drilling ensures a perfect bird handling and makes sure that the birds are positioned in the best possible way. This is highly important in order to achieve the most optimal cut independent of the weight ranges that are processed.
Furthermore, a correct positioning of the bird virtually eliminates the risk of intestine damage due to miss cuts. This of course is highly important as otherwise the birds could be contaminated with faeces which unfavorably influences product hygiene. As the Meyn vent cutter uses a mechanical vent clamping device, no vacuum or compressed air is required, increasing the machines reliability.